TPG Online Daily

Aptos Village is Taking Shape

With over 20 years of working and planning behind it, Aptos Village is finally becoming a reality

By Noel Smith

Aptos Village Times Publishing Group Inc tpgonlinedaily.comGood weather through most of this winter has allowed Swenson Builders to make great progress in this community-changing project. This mix of residential and commercial properties will bring a new dimension to Aptos. The new Aptos Village will bring both a fresh center of business and of civic involvement to this part of the county. First to be completed and occupied sometime in late summer will be the Townhomes along Granite Way overlooking the Village.

According to Mary Gourlay, Swenson’s Development Project Manager for Aptos Village, “Since the 1989 earthquake, Barry Swenson has had a commitment to helping Santa Cruz County in its reconstruction and development.” She noted that most of the contractors and subcontractors working on the project are local companies employing local people.

These include, besides Swenson Builders, Cayton Design Studio for village condos and commercial space, Kay Heizman Design for townhomes and Ifland Engineers, Inc. for the project’s civil engineering.

“We want people to know,” said Gourlay, “that we not only have a commitment to building this project, but also to the community that it will be a part of.”

Project Description

Aptos Village is an 11.5 acre mixed-use, town center development comprised of nearly 70,000 square feet of commercial space including a New Leaf Community Market and 69 new homes. The 17,500 square feet store, expected to open in 2018, will be New Leaf’s eighth location, including six in Santa Cruz County.

The new store will be housed in the relocated, historic Hihn Apple Barn to serve as the anchor for the Aptos Village Project. The project is in process for LEED ND certification awarded to projects that successfully protect and enhance the overall health, natural environment and quality of life in a community.

The barn was moved in sections 300 feet to its new location by the Village Common. The structure is being renovated to maintain its historic aspects, many of which will be visible within the new store.

The Planning Commission approved the current Aptos Village Plan in 2010 and the Planned Development in 2012 and approved by the Board of Supervisors. Prior to these approvals, the project was carefully reviewed and approved by Historic Resources Commission / HRC and other pertinent agencies. The project includes two three-story buildings that are less in height than the Bay View Hotel. Other buildings are 2.5, 2, and 1 story and adhere to the 2012 building height limits.

When completed the project will provide: • New signage, parking and an entry kiosk for the Forest of Nisene Marks State Park • Estimated $330,000 in school fees. (Final figure TBD) • 15% of the total units will be affordable. • New tree-lined streets with wide sidewalks to be maintained by the Association. • Paving and sidewalk improvements to Aptos Creek Road and Trout Gulch Road • New traffic signals at the intersections of Soquel Drive and Trout Gulch, and Aptos Creek Road • Positive economic impact with local jobs and shops • A future County Park to be designed with Community input. • A Village Common for Community activities. • Improved stormwater system for the site. • Re-use of historic Hihn Apple Barn with interpretive displays and signage.

Aptos Village Affordable Housing

Another plus is that the County is offering an opportunity to buy a home in the new Aptos Village development at a below-market Measure J price. The Measure J program, named for the 1978 voter initiative has made available over 500 affordable homes in the county. However such sales have since the recession been rare with just two in 2015 and one in 2017. Aptos Village will have 11 Measure J homes.

The county estimates the Measure J price to buy a one-bedroom unit at $280,000, $322,000 for a two-bedroom unit and $363,000 for a three-bedroom unit. For buyers of a Measure J home they will not see their property appreciate in value. A restriction in the deed keeps the resale price from escalating keeping the resale price affordable for the next buyer.

Application deadline for measure J housing is May 18, 2018. Contact the County Planning Department at 701 Ocean St., 4th floor in the Santa Cruz County Government Building for a Measure J Packet. The drawing will take place Friday, June 1, 2018. Four one-bedroom units and one two-bedroom unit are expected in summer or fall of 2018 and expected to be available in late 2019 are a one-bedroom unit, two two-bedroom units and two three-bedroom units.


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For commercial inquiries contact Joe Appenrodt at 831.234.8554 or email

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