TPG Online Daily

At Odds With Your Adult Children?

By Pat Hanson

For reasons of long distance, complicated custody issues, or a troubled daughter/son-in-law, many parents and grandparents are estranged from their adult children. Some are at odds with and separated from their adult children and/or grandkids.

Adult Children Times Publishing Group Inc tpgonlinedaily.comA free monthly support group meets second Mondays at Christ Lutheran Church in Aptos. Here, alienated parents learn they are not alone with this issue, and strategize ways to hold on and thrive, not just survive their difficult situations. Some reconciliations have taken place.

Here is a sample of their stories with names changed to protect those who might be choosing legal paths to visitation:

One member shared her wisdom with the group: “If you don’t leave your past in your past, it will destroy your future. Love what you have today, not what yesterday has taken away.”


To connect with this group visit: or

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