UPDATE: Fill out the Name Change Survey at www.surveymonkey.com/r/CollegeNameFA23
Editor’s Note: The potential names: Aptos College, Seacliff College. Costa Vista College, Santa Cruz Coast College, and Cajastaca College.
Cabrillo College leaders, which since 2020 have thought about a name change, unveiled five possibilities at an in-person community forum Wednesday night at the Visual and Performing Arts complex, room 1001, at the Aptos campus, 6500 Soquel Drive.
Two more in-person forums are scheduled to hear public input: 6-8 p.m. Wednesday, June 28, at Cabrillo’s Watsonville campus, 318 Union St., Room A-160, and 6-8 p.m. Wednesday, July 12, at Felton Library, 6121 Gushee St., Felton.

Five names and logo designs were posted on boards in the room. Post-its were provided for the community to leave notes.
During the forums, Cabrillo College Board Name Exploration Subcommittee members Christina Cuevas and Adam Spickler along with Cabrillo President-Superintendent Matt Wetstein will review the process and answer questions.
Students and faculty proposed a change, saying Cabrillo, a Portuguese navigator who led the first European expedition exploring the California coast on behalf of Spain and became wealthy as a slave-owner in Guatemala, is not a role model for today’s students.
More than half the graduates in the Cabrillo College class of 2023 have Latino heritage.
The college acknowledges that some who oppose the board’s decision to change the name, while pointing out it is for future Cabrillo College students, to make the college a place where all students feel welcome.
A task force with 24 community members chose the five names for consideration out of 350 suggestions.
Spickler, who is board president, and Cuevas have served on the subcommittee leading the name exploration process since 2020.
The name selection task force will meet July 28 to decide what to recommend to the governing board, which meets Aug. 7 at the Watsonville center.
That recommendation would appear in the agenda, which is to be posted on Aug. 3.
Might the task force recommend more than one name?
It’s possible.
Cabrillo College has made a pledge to not spend public funds on costs associated with the name change. Supporters of a new name can donate at www.cabrillo.edu/governing-board/name-exploration-subcommittee/.
TOP PHOTO: The name Costa Vista College appears to have lots of support.