TPG Online Daily

Cal. Wellness Foundation Grants $200K for Local Dental Care

Dental Care Times Publishing Group Inc tpgonlinedaily.comThe California Wellness Foundation (Cal Wellness) awarded Dientes Community Dental Care a $200,000 grant for core operating support to sustain comprehensive oral health services for uninsured and publicly insured low-income adults and seniors throughout Santa Cruz County.

Created in 1992 as a private independent foundation, Cal Wellness’ mission is to improve the health of the people of California by making grants for health promotion, wellness education and disease prevention.

In 2017, Dientes celebrated their 25th Anniversary and reached a second milestone by providing high-quality, affordable dental care to more Santa Cruz County residents than ever before—serving over 10,000 patients with more than 35,000 visits.

Dientes’ CEO Laura Marcus commented, “We are very grateful for our continued partnership with Cal Wellness to help the low-income adults and seniors in our community, some of whom haven’t been in a dental chair in years.

This grant will support our efforts to help ensure equal access to quality dental care for all.”

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