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California ranks 47th out of 50 states on economic outlook

NFIB Responds to California’s Ranking on State Economic Competitive Index

SACRAMENTO, Calif. – The National Federation of Independent Business, California responded to California’s ranking on the 2013 ALEC-Laffer State Economic Competitiveness Index:

“Sadly, it really isn’t a big surprise that the Golden State ranked 47th out of 50 on the economic ranking forecast – down nine points from 38th in 2012,” said John Kabateck, NFIB/CA Executive Director. “With the highest personal and corporate income tax rates, and highest gas tax in the nation, it is no wonder that our economic future isn’t very bright and is obviously getting significantly worse. California also ranks near the bottom for workers’ compensation costs and legal reform. Added to this is the fact that our unemployment insurance system owes the federal government almost $11 billion, money that comes out of the pockets of business owners. All told, it doesn’t make California a place in which people are eager or encouraged to start a business.”

“So, what would encourage entrepreneurs to do business and create jobs in California? Certainty. Certainty in the taxes they will pay, knowing that government is spending the money responsibly and for what it is truly intended. Certainty in the amount and scope of new regulations imposed on their industry. And certainty that frivolous lawsuits will be discouraged and that products requiring warning labels under Prop 65 have been through a true scientific analysis.”

“We look forward to working with the Governor, Legislature and other leaders in Sacramento to ensure that in next year’s ranking, California moves up the list through an improved jobs and economic climate so that businesses and employees want to start – and stay – in our state.”

Commemorating its 70th anniversary, the National Federation of Independent Business is the nation’s leading small-business association, with offices in Washington, D.C., and all 50 state capitals. NFIB’s mission is to promote and protect the right of our members to own, operate and grow their businesses. More information about NFIB is available at



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