TPG Online Daily

Caltrans District 5 Employee Receives Medal Of Valor

SAN LUIS OBISPO — Caltrans District 5 Equipment Operator David Guerena was one of 52 people who were presented the Medal of Honor Award during a ceremony yesterday at the State Capitol.

Medal Of Valor - Guerena 042415 Medal of Valor Times Publishing Group Inc tpgonlinedaily.comOn July 14, 2012, Guerena was listening to a police scanner when he heard there was a structure fire in an apartment complex behind his home.  He immediately ran outside   to see smoke and flames followed by two loud explosions coming from the burning building.

A young man told Guerena that his mother was inside one of the apartments.  Guerena ran to the door to make contact with the woman.  He armed himself with a fire extinguisher hanging on the wall and entered the building where he could make out the figure of a woman a few feet ahead of him who appeared disorientated.  At this time, the front room was filled with smoke and flames shooting over his head.

Guerena used a fire extinguisher to clear a path between the woman and the doorway while continuing to call for her.  He was able to grab her when she became within reach.  As they were moving through the front door, a stronger explosion sent fire and debris directly over their heads.  Guerena was able get the woman to a safe place where her sons and neighbors could care for her.

The State of California and Caltrans are very proud of Medal of Valor recipient David Guerena.

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