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Capitola FAQ

New History Exhibition Has the Answers

Capitola FAQ Times Publishing Group Inc tpgonlinedaily.comHave a question about Capitola history? The Capitola Historical Museum’s latest exhibition may have the answer. “Capitola FAQ” is designed to answer some of the most frequently asked questions by visitors to the Museum.

“It is a fun way to tell the history of Capitola and touch on many of the most popular topics,” says curator Frank Perry. Each display addresses a different question, such as: “Where was the airport?” “When was the wharf built?” “How did Capitola get its name?”

“In setting up the displays, we found them to be a marvelous vehicle for exhibiting historic photos and artifacts from the Museum’s collection that have not been on display for a while. We don’t have room to display everything at once, so that is why we change exhibitions each year,” says Perry.

There are 16 questions and answers, though Perry readily admits the exhibition omits THE most common question by visitors, namely “Where are the restrooms?”

The opening reception will be Saturday, March 17 from noon to 2:00 p.m. There will be refreshments and copies of a new book on Capitola history titled, A Companion to Capitola. It is sure to answer even more history questions and is being published by the Museum. The exhibition will run from March through the end of the year. The Museum hours are Thursday through Sunday, noon to 4:00 p.m. plus some holidays.

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