TPG Online Daily

Capitola Veterinary Hospital

The latest in veterinary medicine for your pet

By Noel Smith

CapVet_X-Rays Capitola Veterinary Times Publishing Group tpgonlinedaily.comWhere would you go to find the latest in medical technology, which includes stem cell based therapy, digital X-rays, Ultrasound, preventive care and even dentistry? The answer is Capitola Veterinary Hospital. All of this is available to provide the best in care for your cat or dog or the other animals that you care for and are a part of your family.

Dr. May emphasized, “In order for your pet to experience all the benefits of this technology, it needs a team of caring professionals who will take the time to become acquainted with you and your pet and the patience to perform any treatment or procedure with caring and kindness. We know that your pet is also a family member to be treated with compassion and respect in a professional, efficient, and friendly environment.”

The Technology used at Capitola Veterinary Hospital

Modern digital X-ray technology uses much less radiation thus protecting both the pet and the operator from the long-term effects of radiation exposure and it is significantly faster than using film and eliminates the use of toxic chemical waste used for processing film x-rays. Capitola Veterinary Hospital has Digital X-ray processing units for both dental and full-body X-rays! This allows them to offer the most up-to-date and safest method of X-ray diagnostics. The X-ray pictures become a permanent part of your pet’s medical history allowing comparisons from one set of X-rays to another over time making diagnosis easier and allowing the monitoring of your pet’s health as conditions change.

Ultrasound is also used at Capitola Veterinary Hospital. Dr. May has used Ultrasound for over 15 years. “It makes it possible to more easily diagnose soft tissue injuries and conditions without any harm to the patient. Abdominal ultrasound can be used to examine the liver, gall bladder, spleen, kidneys, bladder, prostate, uterus, ovaries, adrenal glands, stomach, and intestines. Ultrasound can be used to examine the heart for abnormalities and is also used for pregnancy exams.” He explained that the Ultrasound is recorded and becomes part of the patient’s permanent record so that later evaluations will be able to detect any changes over time.”

Stem Cell Therapy. (Talk about cutting edge!) According to Dr. May, approximately 8 million dogs suffer from the degenerative effects of arthritis in the U.S. “Stem cell therapy uses a pet’s own stem cells to bring new life to old joints, easing pain and slowing the effects of arthritis. It’s not only used to treat arthritis, but also other traumatic and degenerative diseases, tendon and ligament damage.”

Dr. May explained the procedure, “We remove a small amount of fatty tissue from a patient’s abdomen then sample is immediately shipped to a laboratory, where technicians use centrifuges to extract stem cells from the tissue. These cells are shipped back to us at Capitola Veterinary Hospital the next day. The patient is lightly sedated and the stem cell injections are administered into the affected joints. Patients go home the same day of the procedure.”

Pet Dentistry. Dr. May told us that according to the American Veterinary Dental Society 80 percent of dogs and 70 percent of cats show signs of oral disease by the age of 3 years old. Without proper preventive or therapeutic care, this can lead to periodontal disease that affects the tissues and bone structures supporting the teeth. Left untreated, this disease can cause pain, tooth abscesses and/or loss, and even affect the pet’s general health.

“The up-to-date dental care at Capitola Veterinary Hospital,” Said Dr. May, “Includes complete dental evaluation with dental X-rays, teeth cleaning and dental surgery.”

Some of the warning signs that your pet may be ready for the dentist are: Bad breath • Change in eating or chewing • Pawing at the face or mouth • Depression or reluctance to play • Weight loss. These may be signs that it’s time to take your pet to Capitola Veterinary Hospital for a dental exam. Don’t wait for the animal’s annual checkup if you suspect a problem.

“We may recommend that you begin a dental care regimen at home,” said Dr. May, “Which may include brushing your pet’s teeth, using water additives and feeding your pet food that is formulated to combat plaque and tartar buildup. And don’t forget to schedule regular checkups.”

Dr. May also told us that Capitola Veterinary Hospital is the second general practice veterinary hospital in the state of California to receive Green Certification! They not only want to protect your pet, they want to protect the environment as well. “Being a paperless practice is good for the environment and allows us to provide faster client and patient service with greater accuracy.”

Capitola Veterinary Hospital welcomes Dr Katie Gilligan as a Full Time Associate as of June 1st, 2013! Dr Gilligan brings a decade of experience as a veterinarian and has been providing excellent care to the communities of Santa Cruz and Monterey since 2009.


Capitola Veterinary Hospital, 1220 41st Ave Capitola, CA – close to the New Leaf market. Tel # 831-476-7387. Website:

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