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Central Coast Foot and Ankle

Advanced Healing, Comprehensive Medical and Surgical Treatment for Your Feet and Ankles

CentralCoastFoot_DavidAbdoo Foot and Ankle Times Publishing Group Inc tpgonlinedaily.comThe Central Coast Foot and Ankle office in Watsonville is the place to go for adult and child foot and ankle care of the highest order. Dr. David Abdoo runs his practice at a pace that allows him to spend plenty of time with his patients, listening to their symptoms, examining them, taking digital x-rays when needed and carefully discussing the treatment options to each patient. He has a perfectionist approach to each care experience, doing his utmost to enable each patient to have the best possible outcome from the treatments or surgeries chosen.

Credentials and Experience Matter

Add Dr. Abdoo has achieved the highest level of board certification, certified in Foot Surgery and Rear foot and Reconstructive ankle surgery by the American Board of Podiatric Surgery and is board certified via the American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons. He is an attending physician at the Monterey Bay Wound Treatment Center based at the Watsonville Community Hospital where he specializes in the treatment of difficult-to-heal wounds of the lower extremities. Through continuing education, which he consistently pursues, Dr. Abdoo stays current with all the most advanced treatments for foot and ankle care. He graduated from the California College of Podiatric Medicine and had the good fortune to earn a residency and an advanced fellowship in surgery at Stanford University. He was trained and personally mentored by some of the top surgeons in podiatric medicine.

He has practiced for 16 years, first in a rural practice in Texas, and then at the Santa Clara Valley Medical Center, followed by practices in Salinas and Watsonville. Dr. Abdoo is focusing his Watsonville practice to utilize the latest technologies such as digital x-rays and electronic medical records, to take a less rushed approach to patient care and to advance the reconstructive and stabilization procedures that he excels in.

What to Do for Long-Lasting Injuries

One of Dr. Abdoo’s specialties is post injury chronic pain. Ankle sprains are probably the most common sports injury and when this happens sometimes the pain, instability and dysfunction linger, preventing full enjoyment of life and risking re-injury. Who doesn’t know someone who says, “Yeah, that ankle has never been the same since I…”

Happily, Dr. Abdoo is an expert when it comes to foot and ankle joint stabilization. A classic scenario after an ankle sprain, a certain percentage of people do not heal completely with the rest, ice, compression and elevation (RICE) protocol or even the use of an ankle brace. These patients have over-stretching of the ligaments and develop scar tissue and inflammation inside the joint, which cannot be seen on x-ray. In depth diagnostics are needed to determine the exact cause, allowing the use of arthroscopic surgery and joint stabilization that can produce amazing results with minimal invasiveness. When a patient’s ankle is made well again and the person can return to a full and active life, Dr. Abdoo smiles and says, “That’s why I do this. Providing somebody this kind of relief is a wonderful thing.”

Moving Beyond Surgery

Dr. Abdoo stresses the fact that he is not only a surgeon. He treats foot and ankle conditions, whenever possible, with the most conservative treatments first. He’s using the most advanced medical developments to successful treat chronic plantar fasciitis and Achilles tendonitis without surgery. There are also non-surgical options for foot neuromas.

Treating athletic injuries is a special interest of Dr. Abdoo. He is well versed in lower extremity biomechanics, which is beneficial in treating athletes, in recovery from injury and preventing of future injuries. His skill and knowledge level on painful adult and pediatric flat footedness provides both conservative treatments and advanced surgical techniques for this foot deformity.

Dr. Abdoo treats the full spectrum of foot ailments including nail fungus, plantar warts, hammertoes, heel pain, nerve problems, fallen arches and plantar fasciitis. He accepts all insurance plans including Medicare and Central Coast Alliance. “I think it is important in a community, to treat everybody. It is not just about the financial (aspect) but if we can provide somebody with pain relief and correction, people appreciate that.”

Bunions Be Gone

Dr. Abdoo says, “I love to do bunion surgery and the reason is that there is such a high degree of patient satisfaction, at least in my practice—at least 98%. When I see a patient with a painful deformity, I know I can improve upon that with a very high rate of success and I can provide the patient with what they want.” Dr. Abdoo works hard to manage the post operative period closely so that patients are kept comfortable and brought along at their own pace and back to functionality. Each patient presents a different picture, which he takes the time to know and monitor.

On a first office visit for bunions there is a consultation and digital x-rays are taken. Dr. Abdoo will explain the deformity, showing the patient on a computer screen what parts of the foot’s anatomy are involved. He discusses what it will take to correct the problem. Viewing before and after x-rays gives a remarkable understanding of the extent of the correction he has achieved.


Contact Dr. Abdoo at Watsonville hospital, 75 Nielson St., Ste.B1432 (Inside the hospital next to the coffee bar). Phone #: 831-443-6050.

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