Community Foundation Santa Cruz County has been named Non-Profit of the Year by Assembly Member Dawn Addis (D-Morro Bay).
In her newsletter, she explained why.
“Their efforts and advocacy during last year’s winter storms made a significant impact in our community, reminding us that even in the toughest times, our community can overcome any challenge when we stand together,” Addis said. “I am deeply grateful for their dedication and service to the region.”
Established after the 1982 flood, the Community Foundation Santa Cruz County brings together people, ideas and resources to support effective programs and address community issues. CEO Susan True oversees $226 million in charitable assets and the foundation aids nonprofits through grants, community events and strategic advice.
Kevin Heuer, director of engagement & impact, thanked Addis saying, “It is our community’s extraordinary generosity that enables us to do our work and it powered every aspect of this disaster response. We issued $3.5 million in strategic storm and flood response grants to help from Pajaro to the San Lorenzo Valley. This included $1.3 million in funding to nonprofits offering assistance to residents affected by the Pajaro flood. Neighbors helping neighbors. Because that’s what we do here in Santa Cruz County.”
TOP PHOTO: Kevin Heuer with Assemblymember Dawn Addis staffer Diego Amaro.