TPG Online Daily

DAISY: Damsel in Distress

Daisy Times Publishing Group Inc tpgonlinedaily.comDaisy (A240065) was in severe distress when she arrived at the SCCAS on December 1. We were not sure she would make it through emergency surgery for a bladder blockage, or the next 24 hours. Further complicating her arrival was her 5 one-week old puppies, which she had been unable to nurse due to being sick and in severe pain. An emergency call went out for a foster home to care for the pups and Daisy went into surgery that day.

Daisy did survive and following her surgery, there was an effort to reunite mother and pups. Daisy seemed happy to see them, but after not being with her youngsters for over three weeks, she was not able to nurse them, nor did she seem to want to. She preferred to be with people over her pups at that point. Foster homes for Daisy and her puppies really did matter with this little family.

Fast forward to 7 weeks later. Daisy has recovered well and is now ready for the home she so deserves. All five pups are in wonderful homes as well.

Daisy is a spayed Miniature Schnauzer, approximately 3 years old.

To adopt your new friend, visit one of the Santa Cruz County Animal Shelter locations, or their website at


Santa Cruz County Animal Shelter has two full-service, open-admission shelters:

SCCAS Main line: 831-454-7200. Animal Control: 831-454-7227. After-Hours Emergency: 831-471-1182

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