TPG Online Daily

District Approved Water Purchases Will Help, Not Solve, Mid County Water Shortage

By the Staff of the Soquel Creek Water District

SqCWD_operations_waterDelivery Water Shortage Times Publishing Group Inc tpgonlinedaily.comThe Soquel Creek Water District Board of Directors recently approved a Cooperative Water Transfer and Purchase Agreement with the City of Santa Cruz. The five-year agreement provides that the City may sell water to the District from its North Coast pre-1914 water rights sources. While the agreement is not about purchasing a large amount of water, it will help us reduce pumping to safeguard our limited groundwater supply.

To ensure that the City’s supply, residents, and endangered species are not negatively affected, there are several terms and conditions that will dictate whether or not water is available to sell to the District each year, including:

This winter’s predicted El Niño could satisfy the majority of these requirements, so the next step is meeting the regulatory compliance requirements for the project under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) in a timely manner.

What this agreement is:

At its core, this agreement is just a transaction that will allow the District to rest some of our wells and recharge the aquifers on a limited year-to-year basis, but it also gives us an opportunity to explore the possibility of a long term, large scale, in-lieu or active recharge program in the future that could meet a larger portion of our supply shortfall and address the City’s needs for supplemental water during droughts. This agreement is an important step toward the kind of regional collaboration and resource maximization that will be necessary to achieve a sustainable groundwater basin, but it’s important for our customers to recognize what the shortcomings of this potential near-term water purchase are as well.

What this agreement is not:


For more information about supplemental water supply options the District is pursuing, visit:


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