TPG Online Daily

Dominican Awards Grants to Six Local Nonprofits

Annual Community Grants Program Provides $170,000 To Local Organizations

Grants Times Publishing Group Inc tpgonlinedaily.comDignity Health Dominican Hospital has awarded more than $170,000 in grants to six local nonprofit organizations through its annual Community Grants Program. Each of the nonprofits is dedicated to improving health and providing resources and support for the families, youth, and individuals in Santa Cruz County who are most in need.

“Central to Dominican’s mission is supporting the health and wellness of our community in meaningful, measurable ways,” said Dominican Hospital President Nanette Mickiewicz, MD. “The six organizations receiving these grants continually inspire us with the impactful work they do, and we are honored to help support them.”

Grants were awarded to the following organizations:

Dominican’s community grants were awarded at a luncheon event on Friday, Feb. 10 at Chaminade Resort & Spa. Since the early 1990s, community organizations have received nearly $2.5 million in grants from Dominican Hospital to promote the health and wellness of Santa Cruz County.

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