Lasting Pain Relief Without Drugs
Affordable, Effective Non-Force Chiropractic and Posture Education
By Samantha Capersmith
Back in Soquel!
Are Your Legs Even? Probably Not!
Dr. Rosenberg says, “Exactly 100% of first-time patients come to the office with one leg slightly shorter than the other. This is usually due to misalignment of the pelvic bones. Some people may be aware of a slight limping feeling when they walk. This is an indicator that one leg may be shorter than the other. Walking around on uneven legs causes imbalanced weight-bearing up the spine and down into the legs. This can lead to hip and knee troubles and low back and upper back problems. So the first thing I do is balance the pelvis and get those legs even.”
After balancing the pelvis she checks the entire spine every visit. She believes it is important to treat the whole person since everything in the body is connected. She has even adjusted fingers and toes when needed. This comprehensive approach has enabled most patients to get positive results quickly, sometimes in one or two appointments. “I’ve seen miracles happen in my practice,” she says.
Don’t Wreck Your Neck!
Her website gives a brief overview of the book’s contents. In less time than it takes to watch a movie, a person can learn basic spinal anatomy and many posture tips and stretches for the neck and other areas from the shoulders to the ankles. Dr. Rosenberg’s Don’t Wreck Your Neck! workshops teach the principles in her book.
“Posture may seem like a boring subject,” she says, “but it is so important to good health and a vital life.” Dr. Rosenberg is particularly concerned about Millennials and Generation Xers who have grown up with high tech devices that tend to promote poor posture habits in the uninformed. Your children and grandchildren need the information in this book!
Excellence Takes Time
Dr. Rosenberg’s appointments usually last an hour or a bit longer, but her patients find that the time investment is well worth it. These appointments, though lengthy, are surprisingly affordable. She says, “I bring the highest quality chiropractic care to people who may not have chiropractic insurance benefits. Affordability combined with quick results is what makes my practice unique. I call it my own contribution to health care reform!”
Life Happens: We All Go Out of Alignment
Dr. Rosenberg encourages her patients, once the pelvis and spine are adjusted and stable, to have periodic adjustments to keep functioning at their best. Vital body functions, not just musculoskeletal comfort, depend upon the proper functioning of the nervous system, so your spinal alignment is part of your overall health. By keeping her fees reasonable, Dr. Rosenberg makes it possible for many people to have monthly chiropractic adjustments. Dr. Rosenberg’s experience proves that when patients get regular adjustments, if they ever have an accident or an injury, their bodies heal much quicker than others.
If you have never had chiropractic care, Dr. Rosenberg encourages you to give her a call and ask your questions. If you would like a completely different and comprehensive type of chiropractic care, Dr. Rosenberg is here to serve. If you are not getting the pain relief you need from other forms of health care, it could be time to try non-force chiropractic.
“My work reflects my commitment to serving my fellow human being. Making the world better, one spine at a time,” she says.
Dr. Gail Rosenberg, DC – 2745 D Porter Street, Soquel, CA 95073, 831-419-ULIV (8548). Website: