TPG Online Daily

Dreaming of the Best in Life

Words by the students of Mar Vista Elementary School in Aptos

The Beach
By Emilia, Grade 5

WoW_Emilia dreaming times publishing group inc

Boom, bang, bam
Waves crashing on the shore
Volleyball players are calling “MINE”
Soft sand comforts your feet
Fish getting reeled in
As your walking,
You see sand dollars,
Beautiful shells
And unusual rocks
Pictures are taken
Seagulls are squawking
Fun is happening
Frisbees getting thrown
BBQs fill the air with different scents
“Your out!” people call from a distance
When you’re at the beach.


By Erin, 6th Grade

Pitter-patter, pitter plop,
Will this rain ever stop?
Something tells me that it won’t,
Soon I’ll have to buy a boat,
Just to get a ride to school,
This wet weather isn’t cool,
“Freezing” is a better word,
A thousand below is what I’ve heard.
Oh, this weather isn’t great,
One million inches of rain to date,
Or at least that’s how my bored self feels,
And I’m all wet and shriveled like a prune’s purple peel.
I’ve played all the board games and read all the books,
The future is boring, or that’s how it looks.
I want this rain to go away,
And not come back another day.
I slump on the couch and try to nap,
But my little kitty comes and sits on my lap.
She looks up, and her eyes seem to say,
“Oh Erin, can we please, please play?”
I get up, and heave a sigh,
I  toss a ball, not knowing why.
But my kitty is super cute,
And before I know it, I’m having a hoot!
Pitter-patter, pitter plop,
I hope this rain will never stop.


By Kylie, Grade 5

Spring is in the air
Flowers are everywhere
In colors of red, pink, yellow and orange
Tulips, roses, daffodils, poppies
All the fun you can have in the sun.
This is the time
To pick flowers for a friend.

There Is
By Lindsey , Grade 5

There is a ladybug inside me,
it flies with pride.

There is a snake inside me,
it slithers along showing its leadership to others.

There is a butterfly inside me,
it flies with its colors as it shows responsibility.

There is a bird inside me,
it flies showing its love and care.

There is a lion inside me,
it walks with pride, leadership, responsibility, love, and care.

There Is


I Had a Dream
By Olivia, Grade 4
Mr. Manier’s Class 

I dream that all the girls and boys are loving and sharing to their siblings. If you don’t, your brother or sister will learn and they will do the same thing back at you. If you are saying mean things or not caring, STOP because your brother or sister will get hurt in the heart.

Four things that you can do if you have siblings:

  1. When you get home from school today, give your sibling a hug. A big hug because that will warm their hearts.
  2. When they are doing something mean or bad say, “Please stop,” calmly and hopefully they will.
  3. When you see them, say, “How was your day?” or, “Did you have a good day at school?”
  4. When you see them, give them a gift or if you have a treat, give some to them. If everybody in the world is nice to their brother and sister that’s a lot of warm and happy hearts!


My School
By Peyton, Grade 5 

Mar Vista, Mar Vista,
what a wonderful place.
Laughter and smiles,
my brain is filled with learning.
Teachers are the best,
there’s no worry.
‘Cause we all have so much fun,
we are the SEA LIONS!!!

 Blue and white,
we are strong but just kids.
It’s recess time,
time to play with friends.
Running and walking,
climbing the play structure.
Talking and yelling,
when it’s finally done my wiggles are out.

It’s time to go home,
I will see you tomorrow,
Mar Vista, Mar Vista,
what a wonderful place!!!


I Have a Dream
By Sofia, Grade 4
Mr. Manier’s Class 

I dream of a world where all animals have a home and food. When animals are not adopted soon enough they may never get put down.

I think that all animals should live a long happy life like us. What you can do to help is if you see a lost animal try to feed it and bring it to a shelter. There are some shelters like the A.S.P.C.A that do not put down animals, so if you find a lost animal bring it there. There are also other things you can do to help animals.

If your family decides to adopt a pet, you can get it from a local shelter where not all pets are as happy as they should be. One more thing you can do to help animals is you can write a persuasive letter to the newspaper explaining why all animals should be loved and have everything they need.

Don’t forget: animals help us a lot by keeping us company.  If all humans should treated animals how they would want to be treated, we would have a better world.

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