TPG Online Daily

Dustin Leonard to direct RENT

By Mindy Pedlar

Dustin Leonard Times Publishing Group Inc tpgonlinedaily.comDustin Leonard, long-time Managing Director of Cabrillo Stage, directs its first show of the 2018 Season, RENT, a Rock Opera loosely based on Puccini’s La Boheme. Leonard describes his vision as “very raw. — As if a group of actors broke into the theater and put on a show. The magic of theater is exposed. Because at the end of the day, this show is about 15 actors who walk on to the stage and change your life.”

To fulfill his vision, Mr. Leonard has assembled a stellar cast: “The most important function of the Director is to appropriately cast the show. We were fortunate that so many talented actors, singers and dancers auditioned.” When asked what he was looking for in his actors he replied, “RENT is a relationship oriented musical.

I was looking for a vulnerability, an honesty. I wanted a diverse group of people who could connect with each other and with the audience. There has to be honesty on stage, a natural authenticity. Some might call it type casting, but it’s important that the elements of each individual fit with the character they are playing.” Admittedly, as an ardent fan of RENT, Leonard has strong feelings about how it should be played. But as a director, “I have to let the actors find their connection to the characters.”

RENT tackles serious social issues, yet its message is one of hope, friendship and love. It stresses the importance of art and community. The score, by Jonathan Larson who also wrote the book and lyrics, contains some lovely music with beautiful harmonies. Even if Rock is not your favorite genre, listen to the lyrics. They are profound.

Dustin Leonard

Leonard believes there is also great joy in this show, yet it’s countered with tragic events. Thus, “rehearsing has been a very emotional process. We provide a safe environment for our actors to be open and honest, yet the show deals with complicated emotions and issues.” (Leonard admits to being misty eyed more than a few times.) “We have also had a lot of fun rehearsing. This cast is so full of love and supportive of each other.”

Dustin recalls that seeing RENT for the first time completely changed his life. It was refreshing for him to see a mix of real people – an honest reflection of life when HIV, drugs and AIDS were prevalent and we were becoming aware of what that was doing to our society.

Mr. Leonard knows the audience will be entertained by the phenomenal performances of his cast, but beyond that he wants this show, “to lift us up and help us grow. RENT presents a part of history that should not be forgotten or ignored.” He hopes the production will remind the audience ”to love, embrace love, have compassion and empathy for friends and neighbors, and to cherish every moment of life.”

RENT opens June 28 and runs through July 15 at the Cabrillo Crocker Theater on the Cabrillo College campus. Order tickets on line at or at the Cabrillo Crocker Theater Box office: hours are 12 p.m. to 6 p.m., Thursday through Saturday, 831-479-6154. Purchase tickets individually or see both RENT and THE PRODUCERS (July 26 to August 19) at a discounted price.


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