Earth Day Santa Cruz
Earth Day Santa Cruz is an annual event bringing our community together to promote environmental stewardship, healthy living, and sustainability. Together with local businesses, schools, and community organizations, we engage our citizens through education, hands on learning, and inspirational activities. We strive to celebrate the importance of protecting our Earth’s resources and to collaborate on empowering the environmental movement in Santa Cruz County and beyond.
2020 marks the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day. Come and enjoy this fun environmental celebration for the whole family on April 18th, 11 am – 4 pm in San Lorenzo Park!
2020 Earth Day highlights include:
- Keynote Speaker: Mayor Justin Cummings plus Notable Environmental Speakers Sponsored by VegFest
- Recycling, Waste Reduction and Plastic Solutions Zone: Recycle, Reuse, Repurpose, Composting 101, and an array of DIY Workshops
- Eco-marketplace with over 100 exhibitors and a focus on climate action education and solutions, health and wellness, and sustainable lifestyle choices
- Make your Climate Action Pledge! Muralist, Taylor Reinhold, from Made Fresh Crew will turn our pledges into a Moveable Community Mural (https://www.pangeaseed.foundation/)
- Youth hands-on activities with the Santa Cruz Museum of Discovery
- Electrification Zone: Electric Vehicle Showcase plus Test Drives
- Live Music with World Renowned SambaDa
- Recycled Fashion Show
- And Much More!
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