TPG Online Daily

Fleet Feet Sports in Aptos

Center for walkers, joggers, and runners of all ability levels, shapes and sizes

By Courtney Dimpel

FleetFeet_largegroupLocals Russ and Tina Coillot of Fleet Feet Sports in Aptos are passionate about the community of runners, joggers, and walkers that frequent their running shop, nestled in the Rancho Del Mar Shopping Center. One quick conversation with the two of them reveals how deep their passion runs, “it’s not about the money for us. Fleet Feet changed our lives when we joined our local group in Sacramento. We lost a combined 170 lbs, met some amazing people, and felt inspired every day that we met up with our training groups,” said Tina, “It was where we went to feel better.”

Fleet Feet Aptos is not just a store that sells shoes and running apparel; it’s a store that offers support, encouragement, and an opportunity to get involved and take a step towards a happier, healthier you. And most of their services are free – won’t cost you more than the extra food you’re going to eat after all that exercise! It’s a place to come and get inspired by their outgoing staff and energetic participants. Tina and Russ encourage everyone they meet to give it a shot, and to try something new, something outside their comfort zone, simply because that’s exactly how they got involved.

The story behind Russ and Tina’s Fleet Feet endeavor mirrors how most people live their day-to-day. Stressed from a high paced job, Russ weighed about 330 pounds, smoked two packs a day, and according to him “was a heart attack waiting to happen. With two children, it was time for a change.” Both Russ and Tina decided it was time to do something about their weight. Russ quit smoking and they both signed up for Fleet Feet Training programs in Sacramento; which Russ claims changed the course of their lives. “Overweight, out of shape, sedentary and stressed with high pressure careers, we were absolutely stunned and delighted to experience that, even we, had an inner athlete just waiting to be unleashed,” said Russ.

Then one of those fun life tests, Russ had the misfortune (or so he thought) of getting laid off from his job during the mortgage crisis. Feeling a bit down, which if you know Russ is a real rarity, Tina encouraged him to apply for a job at Fleet Feet in Sacramento, where they were helping as Fleet Feet training group coaches. Russ found he was having a blast helping customers who were like just like him – looking to make a change for the better. His enthusiasm, heart and compassion for each and every customer did not go unnoticed. Within a year, management suggested Russ look into purchasing a store that had just come up for sale in Aptos, Tina’s hometown. Before Russ and Tina knew it, they were owners of a Fleet Feet, and relocating their family from Sacramento Aptos.

“Our store in Aptos is all about inclusion, action, and community,” said Tina. “Our goal is to continue to grow our training groups which target walkers, joggers, and runners of all ability levels, shapes and sizes. We have something for everyone, and will be with you every step of the way. We want you to set lofty goals for yourself and step outside your comfort zone a little when it comes to fitness. And don’t worry, we won’t let you fall.”

Fleet Feet also goes above and beyond for local schools, and youth athletics. In 2011 and 2012 FFS was able to provide 40 pairs of shoes for the local chapter of Girls on the Run, and 70 pairs of track spikes for Aptos, Watsonville, and Pajaro Valley high schools. For 2013, Russ and Tina hope to increase the scope of their program to include other local high schools and to develop a youth running program for local elementary schools. For ways to become involved with fundraising efforts, contact them at Regular training groups meet Tues and Thurs evenings and Saturday mornings. Events and training schedules are listed on their website, and regular updates are made on the Fleet Feet Aptos Facebook page.

In addition to their training groups and special events like the smash hit Spring Fashion Show that took place March 23, Russ and Tina are putting on a “Run Santa Cruz” series. The “Pinto Lake Off Road Ramble” will be the first race in the series on April 20 at Pinto Lake County Park in Watsonville. This event will benefit the families of fallen Police Officers Baker and Butler who lost their lives serving the citizens of Santa Cruz. Proceeds and donations will be given to the Santa Cruz Police Officers Association and scholarship fund set up for the families children.

Life is all about momentum. Whether you are walking, running or sprinting to the finish line, moving forward is a key to success and a primary factor in the happiness equation. Sometimes life gets hard; things happen that you can’t control and your momentum can be brought to a sudden halt leaving you seemingly paralyzed. Russ and Tina are two very special people that can help provide a little push to get the ball rolling and get your momentum up and back on track. Pay them a visit, you won’t be disappointed. Who knows, maybe they’ll even get you to sign up for a fun 5k.

Happy trails to you on the path to better health and wellness.


Fleet Feet Sports in Aptos, 26 Rancho Del Mar Shopping Center, Aptos. Tel # 831-662-0886. Hours Monday-Friday 10 a.m. – 7 p.m., Saturday 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Sunday 11 a.m.-5 p.m. • Website:

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