TPG Online Daily

Free CERT Training

By Mike Conrad, Division Chief Operations Aptos La Selva Fire Protection District

Classes Start January 7

While this article is intended to review the Community Emergency Response Team program here in not only the Aptos La Selva Fire District, but also Santa Cruz County as a whole, first I need to talk a little about cold weather and home fires. As you all are very aware, the first part of December has been COLD. What you may not be aware of is the increase in home fires we have seen locally and across the Monterey Bay area.

As soon as you put this paper down please go around and check to make sure there are no combustible materials near your heating appliances and be extra careful if using portable heaters and follow the manufacturer’s operating guidelines. We enjoy meeting the people we serve but we would prefer to do it at events like the tree lighting, public education events or if you see us out shopping in the grocery store – but not at your home while it is on fire! Please be extra careful during these cold times.

CERT_houseslide CERT Training Times Publishing Group Inc tpgonlinedaily.comNow back to the CERT program. Did you feel the ground shake a couple of weeks ago? We had a small quake centered out between Gilroy and Hollister. While there was no reported damage, it should serve as a reminder that the next BIG quake is coming. It’s hard to believe that it’s been almost 25 years since the Loma Prieta earthquake – and as each anniversary date passes, it brings us closer to the next big one.

This is where the Community Emergency Response Team program comes in. The CERT program across Santa Cruz County provides the public with 21 hours of basic disaster skills that deal with prevention, response and recovery following a major disaster in our community. During this training you will learn disaster preparedness, fire safety and utility control. Disaster medical first aid and triage as well as light search and rescue operations are also taught. The program also provides instruction in CERT organization, disaster psychology and terrorism. The training program ends with a simulated disaster response to put all of your new skills to work under the watchful eyes of your instructors.

The goal is to have teams of community members in each neighborhood trained in CERT so they can respond to problems within their neighborhood quickly. Following a major disaster, emergency responders will be overwhelmed and unable to respond to emergencies as quickly as they would during a normal day.

The CERT training is free to the public and offered by many agencies across the county so you will be able to find a training program near your community. Programs are available in Watsonville, Pajaro Valley, Aptos, Soquel, Live Oak and Capitola. There are several programs as well in the San Lorenzo Valley. Contact your local fire department for the CERT training program nearest you.

The Aptos La Selva Fire District will be having its next CERT class starting January 7 2014 and it runs for the next 6 Tuesdays. Please call our office at 685-6690 and sign up. I look forward to meeting and working with you to Stay Safe.


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