TPG Online Daily

Higher Rebates Available for Your Household’s Greywater

Greywater Times Publishing Group Inc tpgonlinedaily.comThe Soquel Creek Water District’s Board of Directors recently increased rebate amounts available to households who install greywater-to-landscape systems.

Now, you can get a rebate of up to $400 per household for clothes washer-to-landscape systems, and up to $1,000 per household for dual-plumbed shower/bath and bathroom sink-to-landscape systems. More information and the rebate application are online now at

What is greywater? It’s the wastewater that goes down the drain from showers and baths, bathroom sinks, and clothes washing machines. If installed, used, and maintained properly, greywater systems can safely be used to irrigate most ornamental landscapes but not root crops, lawns or edible crops that touch the soil.

While the amount of water you may save depends on the scope of your greywater system, and the size and design of your landscape, irrigation typically accounts for about 25% of total residential water use during the dry season.

Think how much drinking water your household will save if you reuse all that greywater! Since you’ll be using less water, you’ll be saving money, too — and your landscape will get all the water it needs throughout the irrigation season.

The households and businesses served by the Soquel Creek Water District have been doing a great job of reducing water use, and doing their part in light of the serious long-term water supply challenges we face as a community. This greywater rebate program is one more way the District is helping its customers to conserve water.

This and more water saving ideas, tips, and tools are online at

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