TPG Online Daily

House Movers Stabilize Apple Barn

AppleBarn_update Apple Barn Times Publishing Group Inc tpgonlinedaily.comThe process to safely move the historic structure is complex.

Preparing the historic Hihn Apple Barn to be moved 300 feet is no small feat. Crews from Kelly Brothers House Movers have been on site all summer working diligently to stabilize the wooden structure and safely raise it several feet off the ground.

The barn, which was originally built in two distinct phases, also will be relocated in two phases. The division for the move was made at the point where the expansion was added to the original barn. Differences in flooring and beams helped the historical architect and Kelly Brothers House Movers determine exactly where this occurred.

Bracing and false walls were added inside the building to stabilize the structure as it was lifted. The bracing will remain throughout the relocation of the Apple Barn. Crews then dug down around the base of the barn and inserted steel beams to support the structure. Using hydraulic jacks, the barn has been slowly raised several feet. Wooden cribs, made of interlocking wooden posts, also help support the barn.

Eventually, the barn will be moved using rollers and dollies to its new location, where it will be the focal point of the future Aptos Village and the home of a New Leaf Community Market. The new market will be relatively modest for a modern grocery (for comparison it will be slightly smaller than the New Leaf Capitola location).

The store footprint is being carefully designed and coordinated to maintain the historic attributes of the barn and also take advantage of the barn’s strong presence overlooking the future Village Common.

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