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How to File Damage Claim with PG&E

If you are a residential customer who has gone without power for at least 48 hours because of severe storm conditions, you may qualify for an automatic payment under PG&E’s Safety Net program.

This program provides a payment of $25–$100, which we pay automatically 60 days to 120 days following the storm outage. The amount may depend on the length of the outage.

Storm Inconvenience Payment

The Storm Inconvenience Payment provision applies only to residential customers with rate schedules E-1, E-6, E-7, E-8, EM, ES, ESR, ET, E-TOU and EV. You may also be enrolled in programs such as CARE or Medical Baseline Allowance.

Businesses, agricultural accounts, multi-family building common areas, streetlights and all other non-residential accounts are ineligible for Storm Inconvenience Payments.

If you’re in an area where access to our electric facilities is blocked due to mudslides, road closures or other issues, you’re ineligible. If your equipment prevented us from restoring your power and extended your outage, you are also ineligible. Examples of equipment include service drops and faulty weatherheads.

Outages must be the result of a major weather-related event that caused significant damage to our distribution system.

Public Safety Power Shutoff events are not eligible.

Outages must last more than 48 hours.

PG&E provides Storm Inconvenience Payments in increments of $25, with a $100 maximum payment per event. Payment levels are based on the length of your outage:

For information, call the extended outage line at 1-888-743-4743.

NOTE: Do not submit a claim form to get a Safety Net payment. Visit Compensation for Extended Outages at

However, you may submit a claim if you believe that PG&E caused a loss for which you should be compensated. You can make this type of claim using various methods, but online is the fastest way for us to process it.

Para ayuda en español por favor llame al 1-800-743-5000.

Use Online Form

Help PG&E process your claim faster by completing our online form at

Provide photographs and the documentation needed for your type of claims:

For property damage. Detailed repair estimates and/or invoices or purchase records.

For personal injury. Copy of medical records and receipts.

For lost wages. The amount of time you were unable to work due to personal injury; verification of lost time from your employer and/or payroll stubs showing your hourly or daily pay rate.

NOTE: You cannot receive compensation for the time spent pursuing your claim.

For lost revenues. Tax records and/or bank statements, payroll records, revenue and expense statements and sales receipts.

For miscellaneous losses. Hotel and restaurant receipts and car rental receipts.

For food spoilage.* An itemized list of the cost and type of spoiled perishable food, with receipts or other documentation.

*PG&E evaluates food spoilage complaints based on recommended guidelines from the U.S. Department of Agriculture

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