TPG Online Daily

James Carl Aschbacher

October 9, 1951 ~ April 25, 2018  

James Carl Aschbacher Times Publishing Group Inc tpgonlinedaily.comIt is with heavy hearts that the Pajaro Valley Arts says goodbye to our dear friend James, who left this earth with a suddenness that created a huge hole in our community.

Board President Adrienne Momi wrote “James was a very important part of our PVA family, not only a Board member, but the guy who didn’t hesitate to roll up his sleeves to get the rocks shoveled into the hole in the garden and to put the railing up so we complied with the (ADA) rules. He was a ‘doer.’ James’ commitment to PVA included the annual Membership drive – and although he didn’t want to take credit, his efforts produced more than 15% of our annual budget.”

James managed our gallery store, and filled in with whatever tasks at hand needed to be done. He worked with humor and directed focus. Judy Stabile, Board Member wrote. “Saying goodbye is so difficult, especially to someone so vibrant and joyful. James, you made PVA a better place to create, and a happier place to be.”

During our members’ show, What Nourishes Us, you will find the Gallery Store filled with James’ work from our private collections, as a dedication to his life, so well lived.

Pajaro Valley Arts, 37 Sudden Street, Watsonville

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