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Movable Murals

250 Main Street, Watsonville

WATSONVILLE — Movable Murals, is a pilot project of Pajaro Valley Arts in collaboration with the City of Watsonville, funded by the Community Foundation of Santa Cruz. Movable Murals provides a venue for artists and community groups to showcase large-scale paintings in a public setting, visible to and enjoyed by all who pass through Watsonville.

Four murals were mounted at 250 Main Street, Watsonville on July 25, 2018. This inaugural project was developed for and is in celebration of Watsonville’s Sesquicentennial. In an open call, artists were asked to focus on topics such as Pajaro Valley’s history, people, neighborhoods, landscape, natural resources, arts and culture.

The mounting system, designed by Kris Heil and fabricated by Cheney Metals, allows murals to be moved, rotated and refreshed annually. The mounts were designed to enable artwork to be completed on full sheets of plywood (provided by Monument Lumber) off-site at artists’ studios, schools and/or community facilities.

Taylor Reinhold, Paul DeWorken, Bonnie Carver, and Judy Gittelsohn were awarded commissions to complete murals ranging in size from 8’ x 8’ to 8’ x 20.’ Murals depict apples, strawberries, local birds and our ocean. Individual artists worked with community members, Focus Agriculture, and the Boys and Girls Club, to complete their projects.


Pajaro Valley Arts 37 Sudden Street, Watsonville, CA 95076. Tel# 831-722-3062. A nonprofit 501(c)(3) corporation Federal ID 77-0107201

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