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Office Party Warnings from NFIB

Legal Center for America’s largest small-business association says safety must come first

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WASHINGTON The holiday party season is here and the Small Business Legal Center at the National Federation of Independent Business is advising its members to keep celebrations safe by watching out for two problem areas – intoxication and harassment.


An increasing number of states require employers to exercise reasonable care to prevent injuries by intoxicated employees leaving holiday parties. To avoid many of these liability issues, an employer should lessen the role that alcohol will play during the festivities.  Consider the following when planning your office party:


Socializing, alcohol, and mistletoe combine to create an environment that can lead to sexual harassment claims.  Just because it’s a holiday party doesn’t mean you can’t be liable for what happens as an employer.  Harassment suits can result from voluntary events held outside the office and outside normal work hours.

NFIB is the nation’s leading small business association, with offices in Washington, D.C. and all 50 states.

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