TPG Online Daily

Simplify Me! — On The Road/Curios, Tchotchkes

On The Road

Please simplify me, Pam! I feel like an UBER driver for my family, the car is a disaster, and it seems like we never have that one handy thing we need.


Spring has sprung, summer’s come, the hills are green, the flowers are blooming, baseball, soccer, dance and karate classes are in full throttle, and you’re in the car — a lot! There are a few things you’ll need to keep your car tidy, well equipped with snacks and supplies, and ready to zoom off to a board meeting at a moment’s notice!Simplify Me Times Publishing Group Inc

Curios, Tchotchkes, Multiples Of Things

Please simplify me, Pam! We have bits and piles of all kinds of stuff throughout the house, on shelves, counters, desks, and I can’t seem to ever find what I need, when I need it.


Organizing usually means editing first, but not always. Sometimes, it starts with sorting and storing, and as time goes on, then editing. This works for the little and more functional items, but not necessarily for the big stuff, like unused furniture and toys, seasonal decor, and items that you really don’t want to look at and only use infrequently.

If you’re not ready to edit your belongings, or there are things you’ll use from time to time, consider creating a well-organized display that doesn’t require dusting. It works for kids, students, collector enthusiasts, and cooks. You’re likely already corralling your cooking utensils in your kitchen, so expand on that concept throughout the home.

Designate a space for your display area, repurpose empty (glass and plastic) jars of varying sizes for an attractive grouping, gather up all the random items, and sort. Crayons, coins, sewing kits and buttons, shells and rocks and marbles, decks of cards and dice, ribbons, corks, batteries, travel bars of soap, Pez dispensers, business cards. “Like” things like to be together! Easy to do, easy to maintain, appealing to look at because there is uniformity and order.

For larger jars, scan the bulk snack food aisle for industrial-sized dill pickles and bright-orange Cheetos. The cost of the product is nearly the same as if you bought the jar solo. For a sentimental turn, create a “joy jar” and drop in folded love notes, concert ticket stubs, lucky pennies and tightly rolled newspaper clippings for a future walk down memory lane. Tuck the lids out of sight for easy drop in.


For more about Pam and how to simplify visit: Pam Hudson: • Facebook: • Email: • Tel #: 831.706.0516

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