TPG Online Daily

Positive Aging in the Digital World

SIA_Michael-Kahn-and-Judith-McCauley Positive Aging Times Publishing Group Inc tpgonlinedaily.comCyberspace is a hot topic! Cyber is known as an adjective meaning: of, relating to, or characteristic of the culture of computers, information technology and virtual reality. Conversations I’ve had with friends at senior events throughout the community over the past several months had to do with the use of and the ebb and flow of cyberspace.

The use of and the desire to use more web services for every day business and social connections is echoing around town. Getting more done in less time, having more fun doing it all and consolidating our to do lists are key. A look at this footage — gives one view of what’s happening for elders in cyberspace.

Besides anticipating gifts in the technology category for the holiday, these talks were prompted by the process of getting informed about Medicare decisions. Much gratitude has been expressed to Health Insurance Counseling Advocacy Program (HICAP) through Senior Network Services at 1777 Capitola Road. There we were introduced and directed to web sites for updated information including the world of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) at key websites.

Some good computer navigating is a major help in January the month of new beginnings.

Mid-County Senior Center (MCSC) has a great iPad Class created by Joanna Phillips. Get on track for a well organized and fun filled year easily. It’s a basic and refresher class rolled into one. Start where you are and Joanna will get you up and running to the next level in a flash. iPhones are welcome at the class too. Attended by members of the Mid-County Center ranging from their 60s to their late 80s progress is a sure bet. It is especially helpful to have an iPad to use voice instead of keyboard. People navigating life through the experience of Parkinson’s or conditions where motor control is compromised find that iPads give tremendous benefit.

Judith Buck has her hand on the pulse of positive aging. At MCSC on Monday afternoons she facilitates Wise Ones Workshop (WOW), talking about topics to navigate a happy uplifted life style. Computer apps and sites that keep the brain alert such as Lumosity rank high in interest. Group participation opens up topics including the use of Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

Another service in town is YouthServe a Santa Cruz Volunteer Center Program that Kim Fryer, Coordinator at Louden Nelson’s Senior Computer Center advocates. As “digital natives” young people are the perfect candidates to help seniors enhance their technology skills. Seniors are invited to drop in for free monthly workshops to gain skills they desire to stay connected with family and friends online. Volunteers. All workshops are led by local teens with an adult supervisor to answer any advanced questions. 831 420 6180

Grey Bears offers beginning computer classes for folks 55 and over and are gearing up to assist with the lucky receivers of new computer devices from the holiday. Reach or call 831 479 1055 x226.

The topic of fun with computers beckons digital photography! Although Larry McDaniel has been busy in 2015 as President of the Mid-County Center, he found time to provide a Digital Photography class, which he will continue in 2016. The MCSC calendar features photo students’ best shots from around Santa Cruz. On sale at the center all proceeds benefit the MCSC.


For a copy of the calendar and class registrations call 476 4711.

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