TPG Online Daily

Pregnant Mare Rescue is On The Move

By Lynn Hummer

Pregnant Mare Rescue Times Publishing Group Inc tpgonlinedaily.comHello Horse Lovers and Volunteers!

The rain keeps coming, in more ways than just the water from the sky!

We have now been given until April 2, to move all horse equipment from the back acreage, as we are now losing access to the easement road to get there. This puts the time crunch on us once again, but we can make it happen.

We have located a wonderful property in very close proximity to my ranch that would allow us to continue to do our life-saving work. We are hoping that all goes well. It’s a big endeavor, and costly, so our fingers are crossed.

I’m not sure the county will still feel it necessary to come out to visit, as we will be all shut down here. Either way, we are in full compliance.

There have been a lot of questions I hope to answer for you here:

If the county and a/c have been so gracious, why do you have to shut down? 

My neighbors are now forcing our hand by ending a needed easement to access the back area. Other neighbors are responsible for contacting animal control and the county planning commission and providing false allegations of abuse and neglect.

Any truth to their accusations of neglect, abuse, manure negligence?

Absolutely not. Every accusation is false and both the county and animal control agrees. This is simply a case of unhappy neighbors.

Is PMR Closing? 

No absolutely not. We need all your support more than ever.

Is PMR having the June fundraiser Brunch with the Babies?

This awesome fundraiser may have to be postponed. It all depends on how this present effort to acquire our new home goes. I will keep everyone posted!

How Can You Help PMR? 

The very best thing you can do is donate to help us make this move feasible. We are vigorously working to get the remaining horses into their forever, great homes. And will now be working tirelessly to get the bigger ranch items out of the back area.


PMR is very grateful to the community for all the help and support. We will get through this. Please know we appreciate each and every one of you.

My Sincerest Thanks — Lynn and the folks at PMR

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