TPG Online Daily

Promoting a Healthier Watsonville

Annual Breastfeeding Health Fair and Walk

Friday, August 23 • 3 – 6 p.m. • Watsonville Plaza

Breastfeeding Health Fair Times Publishing Group Inc tpgonlinedaily.comThe 13th Annual Breastfeeding Health Fair and Walk takes place Friday, Aug. 23 from 3–6 p.m. in the Watsonville Plaza. It is open to the general public and representatives of the media. This event includes fun activities for the whole family, a live DJ, community resource booths, healthy snacks, free t-shirts, raffles and more. The rally-sytle walk down Main Street begins at 5pm

This event supports the City of Watsonville’s resolution that proclaims August as Breastfeeding Awareness Month. Breastfeeding Awareness is celebrated throughout California and the nation during the month of August, as part of an effort to highlight the need for support of breastfeeding families in our community.

Breastfeeding is one of the best preventative health measures and provides short and long term health benefits for both mothers and babies.

Despite the fact that most mothers in Santa Cruz County want to breastfeed, many moms don’t meet their breastfeeding goals because of the barriers they face in the community, such as negative experiences in healthcare, their workplaces, and even with their own families.

This is especially true in communities with high levels of poverty and health disparities, such as Watsonville. Compared to other parts of Santa Cruz County, Watsonville has higher levels of obesity, asthma, diabetes, hypertension and heart disease — the very conditions that breastfeeding can help prevent.

Hosted by the Community Bridges Women, Infants & Children (WIC) Nutrition Program. WIC builds support for breastfeeding in our community, and establishes breastfeeding as normal and preferred.

The Walk begins in Watsonville Plaza at the corner of Main Street and East Beach Street.


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