By Mercy Nigh
Aptos High School Drama production proudly presents The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee!
This quirky musical, which debuted on Broadway 20 years ago, examines the lives of six plucky middle schooler spelling bee contestants who compete to go to Nationals.
Everyone has a story and struggles, and these kids are no exception. Their identities and their chance at spelling gold are on the line and they know it.
Chip Tolentino (Wyatt Leffler, 10) is last year’s champion and eager to prove himself; will he be responsible for his own demise?
Logainne Shwartzandgrubenierre (Chiara Mckay, 12) is a political activist desperate to appease her parents; will the pressure cause her to crack?
Leaf Coneybear (Kanoa Asistin, 12) is a carefree, imaginative young man, but is he smart?
William Barfee (Draven Willems, 12) was struck down at the previous year’s spelling bee; will he rise from the ashes?
Marcy Park (Madelyn Pate, 11) is an overachieving parochial-school girl; surely she’s going to take home the gold, right?
Olive Ostrovsky (Mercy Nigh, 12) is a sweet girl hiding familial dysfunction; is she more than she seems?
The fragile egos of these spellers are managed by Bee host and former champion the ever-sunny real estate agent Rona Lisa Peretti (Brielle Hopp, 12), stressed-out Vice Principal Douglas Panch (Grey Shigu, 12), and Mitch Mahoney, the comfort counselor (Alex Miller, 11).
With an exciting twist at every turn, there is plenty of pandemonium to go around!
Bee is directed by AHS Drama Teacher Stacy Aronovici (AHS class of 1985) and features a live band directed by long-time music educator Terrel Eaton.
Note that this show is rated PG, for some mature content and language.
Performances will be in the Aptos High School Performing Arts Center.
Reserve tickets ahead of time at or purchase at the door (subject to availability).
House opens half an hour before curtain.
- Friday, October 25 at 7:30 p.m.
- Saturday, October 26 at 7:30 p.m.
- Sunday, October 27 at 3 p.m.
- Friday, November 1 at 7:30 p.m.
- Saturday, November 2 at 7:30 p.m.
- Sunday, November 3 at 3 p.m.
Photos by Stacy Aronovici