The Santa Cruz Police Department announces the promotion of Officer Erich Hoppe to the rank of Police Sergeant. Chief Andrew Mills commented, “Sergeant Hoppe has continuously demonstrated a commitment to serving our community through his outstanding work ethic, leadership, and professionalism.”
Over the past 15 years Officer Hoppe worked in the Santa Cruz Police Department’s Operations Division and has been assigned to Patrol, Downtown Unit, Street Crimes Unit, Neighborhood Enforcement Team and served as a Field Training Officer. Sergeant Hoppe has a strong background in Community Policing and was involved in many complex neighborhood problem-solving cases during his years in the Downtown Unit, Street Crimes Unit and the Neighborhood Enforcement Team.
Sergeant Hoppe is also a founding member of the Emergency Services Unit Tactical Team and is a firearms instructor for the department. He has tactical training and experience to teach other department members. Additionally, Sergeant Hoppe assists in planning ESU team operations and coordinating his patrol team’s responses to critical incidents.
With strong ties to the Santa Cruz community, Sergeant Hoppe built relationships with a wide variety of community members, neighborhood groups, business owners, other public agencies and local leaders. He lives in the community with his wife and daughter and looks forward to using his skills, experience and community ties to effectively lead a patrol team in improving quality of life issues in Santa Cruz.
Chief Andrew Mills stated, “We were fortunate to have six very competitive and capable candidates. Erich distinguished himself as a leader who is ready to assume a patrol sergeant’s position.”
The Santa Cruz Police Department (SCPD) has 94 sworn officers and 29 civilian staff to protect and serve Santa Cruz’s 64,000 residents and millions of annual visitors. Learn more at