“People want safe, clean, well-maintained parks and open spaces. Our County Parks Department got this just right — they listened to our community and identified stewardship of the parks and open spaces under its care as a top priority,” said Terry Corwin, president of the Friends of Santa Cruz County Parks and former executive director of the Land Trust of Santa Cruz County. “I look forward to working with the Parks Department and our community to build the strong parks and open space legacy for our county that current and future generations deserve.”
The Strategic Plan lays out some new directions for Santa Cruz County Parks and supports department improvement and stability for the future. Projects such as LEO’s Haven, a new South County Pinto Lake pump track, and the new Felton Library nature park, along with the County’s diverse parks programs and classes, help meet the goals set forth in the Plan.
“This new plan represents the Department’s increasing commitment to equity,” said Santa Cruz County Parks & Recreation Commissioner Mariah Roberts. “Projects like the one I’ve worked on for the last several years – LEO’s Haven all–inclusive playground at Chanticleer Park — is a great example of this. It shows that Santa Cruz County Parks is committed to working to improve the quality of life for all residents.”