TPG Online Daily

Second Harvest Holiday Food Drive Encourages “Community”

SecondHarvest_Aptos-High-Stick-It-2-HFD-2014 Holiday Food Drive Times Publishing Group Inc tpgonlinedaily.comImagine a community where no one has their life opportunities limited due to hunger and malnutrition. During Second Harvest’s Holiday Food Drive, you can make a difference to thousands of people in need-right here in Santa Cruz County. Last year the community raised 4,069,901 million meals and this years’ goal is to beat that number.

Second Harvest provides healthy food and support to children, families, seniors, veterans and people with disabilities through our nutrition programs and countywide network of nonprofit partners.

The Second Harvest Santa Cruz County Holiday Food/Fund Drive runs from now through January 15, 2016

Every $1 donated provides 4 healthy meals – $25 fills a barrel.

This holiday season get together with friends, family and co-workers to plan a food drive or fundraiser. Set a goal and make it happen. There really is Strength in Community.

For information, online food/fund drive registration, materials and resources, visit


Meet Our Annual Food and Fund Drive Co-Chairs:

Nanette Mickiewicz
MD President & CEO, Dominican Hospital

Hungry children cannot thrive. Healthy nutrition everyday gives children and families a chance for healthy lives. Healthy lives means there is less chance for developing chronic disease such as obesity and diabetes. As Co-Chair of the Holiday Food Drive, I am happy to join with the important work that the food bank is doing year round. Their holistic approach of education about the impact of healthy eating, distributing healthy food throughout our community, and promoting policy decisions that affect the lives of children and families increase chances of ending hunger in our community. Please join in this effort and change lives.”

Hilary Bryant
Former Santa Cruz Mayor

I believe in the power of this community to work together towards the goal of eliminating hunger. Please think about the critical and growing needs in Santa Cruz County. For every dollar you donate, Second Harvest is able to distribute four healthy meals. Your contributions to this essential community effort will ensure that our residents will be able to provide healthy food for their families. As Co-Chair of the Holiday Food Drive for the second year, I am honored to be part of this important program.”

Fundraising Ideas

Stick it to Hunger: There’s no end to the interesting ways our community comes up with to support Second Harvest’s Annual Food & Fund Drive. Similar to the idea of a dunk tank (only drier) Stick it to Hunger hosted by the ASB and Interact Club at Aptos High School, gave students the chance to duct tape beloved teachers and the Principal to a wall in the Main Quad. For a donation of $1, students received one foot of duct tape. These brave educators participated and got “Stuck to the Wall” In addition to this fun event, students also worked hard to fill the Second Harvest barrels at school with non-perishable food.

Get Out in the Community: Many Santa Cruz County businesses and restaurants have campaigns where a portion of sales or revenue may benefit Second Harvest during Holidays. You will be giving back just by giving them your business. And if you are part of an organization that is having a campaign, please let us know so we can get the word out.

There are so many ways to be involved in fundraising. Visit for a complete tool-kit with fundraising ideas, links, online event and fundraising pages, and more or contact / 831-498-4119

Second Harvest food/funds donations:

Ninety-five cents of every dollar is used to buy and distribute food, which is then passed on to our network of 200 agencies and programs countywide:

In reality, the Holiday Food/Fund Drive raises food/funds to provide the resources needed by these 200 agencies and programs.

Together we fight hunger all year long.

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