TPG Online Daily

Shakespeare Meets Law and Order

Learn Something New & Fun in 2014 with a Fresh Take on the Great Bard

By Edita McQuary

Bard-Law_Joyce-Mann Shakespeare Times Publishing Group Inc tpgonlinedaily.comMade any interesting New Year’s resolutions? Is it the usual — lose weight, learn a foreign language, get control of your budget, and read all of “War and Peace”? Why not give yourself a break and do something achievable this year? We are lucky to live in Santa Cruz County where there are so many fascinating things to do. How about tai chi, surfing, horseback riding, transcendental meditation, or maybe something less strenuous or esoteric, like acquainting, or re-acquainting, yourself with Shakespeare.

Since Shakespeare Santa Cruz is undergoing a change and, yet, we don’t know how that will play out, there is an opportunity to experience Shakespeare locally with the Saturday Shakespeare Group. The group meets at 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. five consecutive Saturday mornings three times a year.

Knowledgeable and interesting speakers give an overview of the play. Don Young, the club’s founder, is a frequent speaker. We have also been privileged to have Michael Warren, Audrey Stanley, John Dizikes, Conrad Scott-Curtis, and even Shakespeare Santa Cruz/ Equity actor Mike Ryan speak to us. The final hour is given to the members taking parts and reading the play. On the fifth Saturday, we meet at a member’s home to view a filmed production of the play followed by a potluck lunch.

Starting on January 18, 2014, we will read “Richard II”; the session starting May 10, it will be “Comedy of Errors” and on October 4 we will read “King Lear.” The venue is at Christ Lutheran Church of Aptos, 10707 Soquel Drive. Dues are: $2 per Saturday or $10 for all five sessions.

Although the club is not affiliated with the church, in November 2011, they performed Joyce Mann’s play “Romeo & Juliet Meets Law & Order” as a fundraiser for the Cabrillo College Foundation and Second Harvest Food Bank. It was great fun and raised over $700!


A website is in the works; in the meantime, please contact for further information.

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