TPG Online Daily

SIA Yoga is Happening!

SIA Yoga Times Publishing Group Inc tpgonlinedaily.comThere are three things we tend to loose with age; our muscle strength, our vision and our ability to walk and stand with confidence. This is an interesting trio that is all about balance. Balance is directly related to our eye site and maintaining strong leg muscles. Suzi Mahler was introduced to Yoga as a young teenager and it opened up a new world for her and brought balance to her life. She found her calling at a young age and began sharing the many benefits of yoga to everyone willing to listen.

Her Chair Yoga Workshops are available at the Grey Bears campus where the chairs in the stand alone multi use room fill up quickly. Attendees learn ways to increase balance and strength with simple movements, postural awareness, breathing exercises and meditation. The chairs are sturdy banquet chairs, which insure comfort and encourage ease of movement for this fun and informative class on active aging and healthy posture.

This class brings awareness to your spine and how you can circumvent pain with proper alignment of bones to muscles, joints and tendons. References concerning osteoarthritis and other joint issues let you know how the moves are working for your bodies benefit. The class ends with a meditation.

Walking with Confidence is a direct benefit and you can witness the increase of grace and ease after a few short sessions. Those interested in taking a closer look at the mechanics of our gate, and the importance of strength and flexibility to stay steady on our feet as we move forward in years can find more advanced classes on her website:

Advance classes provide information about muscles with fascinating and easy to understand presentations. This is when Suzi can take the time to explain individual structures and strong emphasis on how to keep our lower back in shape. There is fun to be experienced while strengthening and stretching with Chair Yoga. For instance, The Feet as your Foundation is a workshop that has been created to help illustrate how our feet can influence other parts of our bodies.

“Chair Yoga is a way to make Yoga available to everyone” says Suzi Mahler and her smile radiates a big welcome The new schedule times will be on the website below next week. Be sure and make your decision and sign up early, as this is a popular class with participants aging from 55 up to 94! It’s fun and rejuvenating — be prepared to take a deep breath! Put this on your calendar – 9:30 a.m. Tuesday and Thursdays and be prepared to walk away rejuvenated! Pre registration is required as space is limited.


Grey Bears, 2710 Chanticleer Avenue, Santa Cruz CA 95065. Tel# (831) 479-1055 Website:

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