Watsonville Business Celebrating 30 Years
By Edita McQuary
Gardening is cheaper than therapy, and you get tomatoes, according to the popular author, Anonymous.
“People are spending more time at home and focusing on their yards and gardens to a greater degree,” said Jeff Rosendale, co-owner of Sierra Azul Nursery & Garden in Watsonville. “Edibles are more popular than ever with beneficial bird, bee, and habitat plants.”

The Rosendales, owners of Sierra Azul Nursery & Garden (from left): Erika, Lisa, Jeff, Alexa and boyfriend Steve.
Forty years ago Jeff and Lisa Rosendale, horticultural degree graduates from Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, were experienced gardeners working and managing nurseries for others and themselves.
“We met in college and have been working together ever since,” Jeff said. “Our two adult daughters, Erika and Alexa, work with us too.”
Lisa knew the East Lake Avenue property that became home to Sierra Azul because the prior owner was a nursery customer of her plant propagation business. The rest is history.
Plans to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the family business this year with many workshops and events are being postponed until next year due to the pandemic.
Sierra Azul Nursery & Garden is known for their diverse and unusual plants for our local Mediterranean climate. They offer drought-resistant plants, design and consultation services, a beautiful sculpture garden, and a gift shop.
The amazing and unusual sculpture garden began as a joint venture with the Pajaro Valley Arts Council 14 years ago.
“We were ready for art in our big maturing garden so the timing was perfect,” Jeff recalled.
This year’s outdoor sculpture exhibit happened in July during COVID-19 restrictions on indoor businesses and events, giving people something safe and enjoyable to do.
“They like it as much or more than ever,” Jeff said.
An active partner in the community, they have sponsored many local organizations such as Mount Madonna School, Pajaro Valley Arts, UC Santa Cruz Arboretum, to name a few.
As you walk around the spectacular gardens, you are likely to be greeted by Dija, the family dog. She is a happy, cute 8-year old mini pinscher-Chihuahua-mix who adopted the family seven years ago.
Sierra Azul’s parking lot sale is ongoing and re-stocked weekly. Other special sales happen inside the garden on a regular basis and are posted on their website and newsletter.
The Rosendale family is pleased to invite the public to visit their nursery observing the current Santa Cruz County health regulations, that is, wearing face masks and maintaining social distancing.
Said Jeff: “Our motto is: ‘Plants for life.’”
Sierra Azul Nursery & Garden is open 7 days a week from 10 a.m. and 5 p.m. at 2660 East Lake Ave., Watsonville. 831-728-2532. www.Sierra Azul.com.
Photos courtesy of Sierra Azul