TPG Online Daily

SqCWD Board Member Rick Meyer Dies

RickMeyer_mug Rick Meyer Times Publishing Group Inc tpgonlinedaily.comIt is with heavy hearts that we announce the passing of Soquel Creek Water District Board member Rick Meyer. Mr. Meyer was appointed to the Board in December, 2012, was re-elected to his post in 2014, and was serving a three year term.

He was an instrumental member of the Board’s Public Outreach Committee and served as an alternate member to the joint desalination task force and the Basin Implementation Group.

Rick was passionate about restoring and sustaining our groundwater basin. He was an intelligent and engaged member of the Board, the community, and our District family, and he will be missed.

Mr. Meyer is survived by his wife Suzanne and three step-daughters. Services will be held at a date to be announced. Donations on behalf of Mr. Meyer can be made to Hospice of Santa Cruz County.

Questions may be directed to the District’s Human Resources Manager, Traci Hart, at (831) 475-8501 ext. 131 or, or the District’s Administrative Assistant/Board Clerk, Karen Reese, at (831) 475-8501 ext. 126 or

The Board of Directors addressed the Board vacancy at the Dec. 15 regular Board meeting.

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