By Yvette Brooks, Mayor, City of Capitola
This summer brings a lot of change. The Capitola City Council will be discussing the future of summer events and outdoor dining at our June 24 meeting. More information to come.
The Governor has updated guidelines on COVID19 regulations, which will have a dramatic impact on our community. You can stay up to date by visiting the CDPH and or Santa Cruz County Health Department.
As we emerge from the pandemic, please remember to be patient with one another, our community and yourselves. This pandemic has significantly changed many of our lives and it will take time to recover.
COVID Guidelines and What It Means For Capitola
On June 15, all sectors listed in the Blueprint Activities and Business Tiers Chart may return to usual operations (with exceptions for Mega Events over 10,000 people) based on the following general public health recommendations:
Restrictions Applying to Indoor & Outdoor Settings
Vaccine Verification/Negative Testing | Required: Indoor mega / Recommended: Outdoor mega |
Capacity Limitations | No restrictions |
Physical Distancing | No restrictions for attendees, customers and guests |
Masking | Follow current CDPH Guidance for Face Coverings |
Travelers | Follow CDC recommendations and CDPH Travel Advisory |
Capitola Library Complete
I am happy to announce the Capitola Public Library is now open. The virtual grand opening was so much fun with over 300 attendees registered!
I again would like to thank all of the work done by City staff, staff of the Santa Cruz Public Library, Capitola City Council members and donors. We could not have done this without all of you.
To learn more about visiting the library, visit the Santa Cruz Public Library’s website
Outside the Frame Opening June 27
Capitola Mayor Yvette Brooks, Watsonville Mayor Jimmy Dutra, Scotts Valley Mayor Derek Timm and Santa Cruz City Mayor, Donna Meyers have joined to create a first-of-its-kind experience of healing and positivity for people across Santa Cruz County in partnership with County Park Friends.
Each City will offer a unique walking experience where you will be able to enjoy each of our beautiful communities and local art! The program involves picture frames painted by five local artists, installed in each City, that “frame” a beautiful setting in our communities. The artist-painted frames put the focus on our beautiful parks, places and YOU!
Grab a map at to find all 5 frames. Come enjoy nature, take a photo, be inspired and GET OUTSIDE THE FRAME!
Every City will also be hosting a fun kickoff event with County Park Friends so be sure to visit the website to learn more.
Parks and Recreation
Camp Capitola Partners with SUESD
With the less than normal school year we have had, we understand many children are playing catch up in summer school.
However, your child does not have to miss out on the fun of summer camp. Camp Capitola is holding sessions at Soquel Elementary that coordinate and complement the current summer school programs.
Adult Classes will be Back!
As we cautiously dip our toes into “normalcy,” we will start bringing back classes to Jade St. Community Center. Keep an eye out for our new catalog for fall!
If you have any questions or comments about our Summer programs feel free to contact us Monday-Friday 8:30-4:30 (831) 00475-5935.
[email protected] •
Join the Finance Advisory Committee
Serving on a Capitola Board, Committee, or Commission is an excellent way to get involved in your community and participate in the decisions made at the local level.
The Mayor and/or individual Councilmembers appoint applicants based on their qualifications and Interest. The Finance Advisory Committee currently has an open seat for a Business Representative; if you are in the business world in Capitola, visit the City’s website to apply.
2021-2021 Capitola Budget
City Council is scheduled to adopt the FY 21/22 budget on June 24.
Highlights include $1 million in funding allocated to help repair our streets, almost $5 million to rebuild our wharf, and $50,000 to evaluate the City’s program for nonprofit community grants.
Employee Highlight
Have you ever wondered why the City of Capitola’s streets, sidewalks, bathrooms, and beaches look so amazing when you come to work in the morning or drive through town after a visitor-heavy weekend? Or who cut and moved those tree branches after a windstorm blew them down?
It starts with the team in Public Works led by Director Steve Jesberg and Field Supervisor Matt Kotila.
Today I’m introducing Nathan Kessier of the Public Works Department, who has worked for Capitola for four years and who sometimes starts at 3 a.m. opening our streets or preparing for a big event. Nathan is proud of the work that he does as a maintenance worker.
His supervisor says he has been heavily involved in beautifying Prospect and Rotary parks, has great attention to detail, and is always willing to go the extra mile when it comes to making trees and landscapes beautiful around town.
So, a big shout out to Nathan and the rest of the Public Works crew. It might be magic that makes Capitola sparkle, but we are glad to have Nathan and Public Works helping it along.
Thirsty? No Problem!
Have you noticed the refillable water bottle stations in the Village? The next time you are in Esplanade Park or walking on the Western end of the Seawall, be sure to check out this new environmentally friendly feature ━ and bring your reusable water bottle!
The City wishes to specially thank the two sponsors who made this possible: the Capitola Public Safety Foundation and Keep Capitola Salty (Jill and Matt Arthur).
As always if you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact me directly at [email protected]