TPG Online Daily

Think Local First for your Holidays!

Find the Best Gifts at Local, Independently Owned Businesses

Happy Holidays!

Think Local First Times Publishing Group Inc tpgonlinedaily.comEvery year, we wonder what to buy for our friends and family — and where to buy it. One thing to consider is creating a special connection with your loved ones by gifting something you can’t get online or in generic chain stores. When you shop the locally owned businesses that are members of Think Local First County of Santa Cruz, you support the businesses that are the core of our local economy. In turn, a healthy economy supports you, your family, friends, and community.

The owners and employees of our local businesses are your neighbors and they are devoted to our local economy thriving — they are the glue that holds us together through thick and thin. They fund and work with local service organizations helping those in need as well as supporting the arts and athletic activities of our youth. So, when you give gifts purchased from locally owned businesses, you are really giving the gift of community.

When you spend at locally owned businesses, much of that money stays within our community. Why is that important? Because one of many things we treasure about living here is that Santa Cruz County is colorful, diverse, and unique. We consider that the norm. For numerous other small communities, the norm has become box stores that replaced family-owned businesses, boarded up storefronts and giant parking lots surrounding a mega-store.

Make your shopping season and gifts truly special by making your purchases at shops that carry the Think Local First logo. Visit these shops’ websites and Facebook pages to learn about their latest sales and buy your gifts.

As you do your holiday shopping — December is Shop Local Month in Santa Cruz County — help ensure our county will retain its special quality of community involvement and support for those who live, work, and go to school here.


Think Local First (TLF) formed in 2007 around its mission to promote and sustain economic vitality while preserving the unique character of Santa Cruz County.

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