TPG Online Daily

Three Little Pieces from the CVRA

One – Steps along the Rail Trail

By Margaret Kinstler and Rich Didday, CVRA

Imagine being able to ride your bicycle from the Jewel Box to Santa Cruz in 15 minutes avoiding a slow drive on clogged Highway 1?

VillageCorner_OverlookingVillage CVRA Times Publishing Group Inc tpgonlinedaily.comAfter thirteen years of meetings and planning, the Regional Transportation Commission adopted the Monterey Bay Sanctuary Scenic Trail Network Master Plan, which will eventually provide for a 31-mile pedestrian/bicycle trail all the way from Davenport to Watsonville. City Councilman Dennis Norton has been active on the commission for nine of its thirteen year of existence. Capitola (along with other municipalities) is busy preparing proposals for local projects following the plan.

The first proposal from Capitola is for a walkway that would connect the Pacific Cove parking lot to the railroad corridor. The City has applied for a grant from the RTC to complete this project.

Dennis is working with John Leopold on a proposal to make the first major section of the rail trail to get improvements be a pedestrian/ bicycle trail from Santa Cruz through Live Oak to Jade Street Park ending at Prospect and 49th Avenue. According to Dennis, this project could be realized in as little as two years. A federal earmark for $5.3 million dollars for the whole rail trail program was obtained by Congressman Sam Farr.


Two – Real Estate Buzz

By Janet Russell: CVRA

Capitola homes in Riverview Terrace are seeing selling prices similar to peak values in 2008. A home on Sunset that sold two years ago for $880K(not distressed) just sold for $1,020,000. This is typical of this area during the past four months. Santa Cruz properties in general are still 10-15% under their peak values.


Inventory is low which allows your home to be the center of attention. Brighten your home with colorful pumpkins, gourds and fall foliage or a wreath. Trim shrubs. Touch up the entry with fresh paint. Contact an agent to learn of their marketing programs to showcase your home on tour or online. Ninety percent of buyers now look on the Internet for homes.


There are still first time homebuyer programs that offer benefits. Wells Fargo and Chase Banks are just a few that provide seminars. See a loan specialist about your options. While others are shopping for holiday gifts, jump into a tour with your agent and you may find you have less competition while negotiating to purchase a home while other buyers are traveling or focusing on holiday activities. Seeing houses in person is hugely different than viewing them online. Loan rates are still remarkably low and prices in most areas of Santa Cruz County have risen but are not yet back to peak levels.

Drive or walk through different neighborhoods to understand how they compare. Visit homes during open houses on weekends or during the realtor brokers’ tour every Thursday. Ask your agent for the best times to view houses that have restricted hours. When a premier home becomes available, it sells very quickly in this market. Enjoy the thrill of the hunt!


Three – The Coots Are Back!

By Rich Didday: CVRA

Soquel Creek between the Stockton Avenue Bridge and the trestle is a favorite hangout for American coots (also known as “mud-hens”) during winter months. This year there are dozens of them, more than in recent memory. They dive for food (commonly, algae), and navigate around the creek. On the rare occasion that they are seen out of the water, they walk in an awkward way, revealing flaps on their lower legs and toes that fold back with each step as they walk, but that serve a similar function as the webs on duck feet when in the water.

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