By John Wilkins
When asked what surprised him the most about humanity the Dalai Lama answered, “We sacrifice our health to gain wealth and then we spend all our wealth in order to regain our health.”
As a healthy and active individual all my life, I was startled when I somehow woke up one day and found myself taking four separate prescription drugs for four separate medical conditions including high blood pressure, GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease), and PMR, a crippling auto immune disease that required a potent steroidal drug — “prednisone” to manage the pain. So, I was symptom free but was ingesting a handful of pills every day that came with a long list of side effects.
Shortly after, while on vacation, I had the opportunity to relax and contemplate my deteriorating health condition and I had a “revelation” that changed my life and health for good.
What if I took control of my own health situation and returned my body back to a time when I was 100% vital and prescription drug free? Was that even a possibility for a man in his late 60s?
When I returned home from vacation, I immediately began to seek out answers to my basic question: Is it possible to reverse my deteriorating health trajectory? I was determined to find out.
Fortunately, we live in the age of the Internet and between Google and You Tube; you can find the answer to almost any question.
Despite all the new modalities, diets, supplements and exotic holistic approaches available, I decided to start my self-healing project with the most basic health approach known to man. Hippocrates, the father of western medicine in 400 B.C. said, “Let food be your medicine and medicine be your food.”
I thought to myself, “Could it be that easy?” Of course, my next thought was, “What kind of food can be my medicine?”
I went with the obvious. I choose to limit my food intake to only natural foods that grow out of the earth, mostly fruits and vegetables. I decided I’d experiment with my own body and test the claims I’d been reading about.
I learned that if the body is treated to a whole food, plant-based regiment for a reasonable period of time, say, 60 to 90 days, the body will respond and heal itself of almost any chronic disease and ailment – and I’d watched enough health documentaries to believe that this was possible.
I committed myself to this new way of looking at food – as medicine – and strictly adhered to the new “diet”. It wasn’t easy but with sincere determination and a few false starts, I was able to change my lifestyle. As a result, I was healed of all my diseases and was off all my prescription meds in only 8 short weeks! Yes, in only 56 days! Healed! Drug Free! I was elated!
This expeditious and remarkable physical transformation was so miraculous to me that I was compelled to write a book to bring this truth to as many people as possible.
One of our human problems is that most people simply take their health for granted. Obviously, this is one of the worst mistakes one can make in life. I now believe that absolutely nothing is more important than one’s health. Making your health a #1 priority is wisdom indeed.
I am aware that many reading this column can relate to my story. You may be looking for answers to your own growing chronic health problems. You are aware that the drugs you are taking are merely masking the symptoms of an underlying disease and are not addressing the root problem at all.
I’m here to tell you there is a better way, a healthier way to live and manage your health issues that will create more energy and vitality in your life. You can turn back time and experience a level of health you had ten to 20 years ago. I’m living proof of this. It’s really simple, just change what you are putting into your mouth.
This column is dedicated to bringing to light the many life benefits you’ll experience when giving your health the focus it deserves. I’ll explain why it’s not a new diet that you need, but a complete “lifestyle” change. My goal is to inspire you to become the healthiest person you are capable of becoming at this stage in your life.
Keep in mind, the greatest gift you’ve been given is your physical body. Everything else in your life suffers when your body suffers and everything in your life is enhanced when your health is at it’s best. Understanding this fact is step number one in the process of taking back your health.
John Wilkins is the Author of the book To Thine Own Health Be True and Founder/CEO of Our Passion For Health, a non-profit organization dedicated to providing public health solutions for the betterment of mankind. Email: [email protected] or Website: