Donations Helps Kids who are Experiencing Homelessness
CAPITOLA – United Way of Santa Cruz County wants children experiencing homelessness in Santa Cruz County to start the school year off with the school supplies they need to succeed. Now in its 5th year, United Way’s “Stuff the Bus” project collects backpacks, school supplies and donations to help low-income and homeless children around the County be ready to go back to school in the fall. The supplies are distributed through the Santa Cruz County Office of Education Write Start program. Last year, Stuff The Bus collected over 600 backpacks filled with school supplies. This year United Way has a goal of 1,000 filled backpacks.
The County Office of Education estimates there are 4,200 children in our county classified as homeless or in transition. They are living with their families in shelters or motels – or their families have lost their homes and have moved in with relatives or friends. Help us send our neediest students back to school and ready to learn.
In addition to the generous Gold Sponsorship by PG&E, several local businesses have sponsored Stuff the Bus with small school buses located around the county where donations can be dropped off – locations include Bank of America, Bay Federal Credit Union, Santa Cruz County Bank and Wells Fargo Bank. Community sponsorships include Chaminade Resort & Spa, Palace Art & Office Supply, Progressive Baptist Church – Santa Cruz and Rainbow Light. United Way is accepting corporate sponsorships, which include small school buses and filled backpacks that will go towards the goal. Community members are encouraged to donate new school supplies at the various locations throughout Santa Cruz County. For locations, call the United Way 2-1-1 Hotline.
Filled backpacks can be sponsored for $25 and are available at all Palace Art & Office Supply locations or online at The school supply drive is July 1 – 31. On August 2, volunteers will gather at the Palace Art parking lot in Capitola to fill backpacks and “Stuff the Bus” with the donated school supplies.
To learn more including locations of collection buses, list of needed items, volunteer, or donate online, visit