TPG Online Daily

Update on Valencia Road: Jan. 2018

By Zach Friend

Valencia Road Times Publishing Group Inc tpgonlinedaily.comI wanted to write to give you the latest update on Valencia Road. We are in the homestretch here, which means there will be some changes upcoming that you should be aware of. Our contractors are currently in the process of building a one-lane bypass road for use during the removal of the temporary bridge. We will start diverting traffic onto that road January 5, with bridge removal scheduled for January 8-15 (assuming we continue to have favorable weather.)

Our goal is when Valencia Elementary students return from winter break, traffic will already be diverted onto this bypass road. This bypass road is will ultimately become part of the permanent roadway (so when you’re driving on it you are driving on a part of the final roadway). Based on feedback from Rolling Green Estates residents, we still plan to use the bypass road for two-way traffic, with temporary stoplights to control traffic. However, we recognize the potential for school-related backups during morning drop-off and afternoon pickup, and plan to station flaggers at the site to make sure traffic proceeds as orderly as possible.

Because of the extremely limited space to create a bypass access while still working to complete the final road, pedestrian access will not be allowed during this time. During the transition from the temporary bridge to the permanent road we do anticipate some delays – please plan for some additional time for your trips during this transition. The bypass road will continue to be in use while we fill, pave and stripe the new road.

The current schedule is to have full normal operations restored in the first few days of February. We always look for ways to speed things up but as of today that is the current schedule. THANK YOU for being so patient and understanding. We are near the end.

Happy holidays, and we hope you get to enjoy quality time with your friends and family.


As always, feel free to call me if you have any questions – 454-2200. All the best, Zach

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