“During the recent winter storms, we witnessed the struggles of our clients-in-need, and at times it was heartbreaking. The wonderful generosity of our local community will help us keep the food pantry and other client programs going strong through the spring and summer months”, said Executive Director Lynn Robinson.
The genesis of Valley Churches United Missions is in disaster assistance, and we still see this as a critical function of our organization. When floods, mud slides — like we’ve recently had — earthquakes or fires occur, VCUM responds with: • Emergency Food • Sandbags • Propane • Flashlight Batteries • Food Certificates • Household and personal Items • Blankets/Sleeping Bags • Camping Equipment • Pet Food
Tax deductible donations may be sent to the Valley Churches United 2017 Bucks for Hunger Drive through the brochure arriving in mailboxes, online at vcum.org or donate in person at 9400 Highway 9, Ben Lomond, Monday through Friday from 9am until 4pm.
Since its inception in 1982, Valley Churches United Missions has raised and distributed over $20 million dollars to residents in need. Valley Churches United Missions (VCUM) is a grassroots organization serving the needs of low-income residents in the San Lorenzo Valley and Scotts Valley. We do not receive government funding or grants — we rely entirely on the generous donations of individuals and local businesses and organizations.
Any qualified, low-income resident of the San Lorenzo Valley or Scotts Valley may sign up to receive food and other services. Clients include those who are low-income due to under-employment as well as those who are suddenly hit with unemployment. Our clients also include the disabled and those suffering from serious medical conditions.
Valley Churches United Missions’ primary focus is providing supplemental food to clients throughout the year. Our food pantry operates year-round, providing supplemental food to qualified, low-income residents. In 2015, we handed out over 10,000 bags of groceries to 850 local households.
To maintain this level of support for our community, we need a steady stream of donations, and so each year in the spring we reach out to our donors via Bucks for Hunger. We live in a very generous community, and we invite you to be part of the miracle. After all, hunger never takes a holiday.
Our food pantry is open five days per week, year round. Clients may come in twice a month for groceries. Clients facing extreme circumstances may receive additional food.
Food Pantry Hours
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday • 9 to 11:45 a.m.
Seniors only: 1st and 3rd Friday • 9 – 11 a.m.
Working clients only: Saturdays • 10 a.m. – Noon
Our food bags contain staples — pasta, cereal, canned goods, as well as fresh food, such as milk, eggs, and yogurt. During the summer, we’re also able to provide fresh produce, thanks to our local farmers’ markets. Our food sources include: Generous donations from local grocery stores, farmers’ markets, other food banks, and individuals in the community and Second Harvest Food Bank: With our donated funds we purchase canned goods and other items to round out our food bags.
Contact us: 831.336.8258 Website: www.vcum.org