TPG Online Daily

Visual and Performing Arts (VAPA) Program Adopted by PVUSD Board

By Jeff Ursino, Pajaro Valley Unified School District Trustee

SchoolsMatter_j0400176 VAPA Times Publishing Group Inc tpgonlinedaily.comA few years ago I got the chance to listen to Dr. Xhang Zhau, a world-renowned college professor. At the lecture Dr. Zhau insisted that the American school system, despite its issues, is the best in the world due to the traditional talent show.

He surmised that only in the United States are students encouraged to get up and go outside of their comfort zone. He also stated that no matter how silly their “talent” may be the student body clapped. He felt that the willingness and the encouragement that a talent show offered and its focus on creativity was part of what has made the United States economically successful.

With this in mind I am encouraged by the Visual and Performing Arts program that was recently adopted by the Pajaro Valley Unified School District Board of Trustees.

The stated vision of the plan is to incorporate arts into the educational process. The focus is on what is called the 4 C’s: Creativity, Collaboration, Critical thinking, and Communication. These skills are crucial if our students are going to be able to work in the jobs of the future.

For 2016-2017 academic year the District will be hiring additional Art teachers. This addition in teachers will allow our local schools to offer Art education not only to our lower elementary grades but also upper grades through after school programs.

This addition in instruction in the classroom will also allow time to integrate more closely Arts into Math programs and training to already working teacher. In addition to these efforts in the next school year the District will also purchase additional instruments, as well as, repair the current inventory of instruments to ensure we can meet the after school program demand.

Our local junior high and high schools will also start to benefit from music classes after school from Cabrillo College. In that way when bands are re-instituted locally we will have a student body that is already actively working with a musical instruments and thus has already developed a love of playing.

Finally, in the 2017-2018 school year the District will add more music teachers to our local junior high and will expand the after school program in the arts to reach more of our students.

A crucial issue that this plan addresses is that it is sustainable over the long term. No matter how much our local high schools may want a fully implemented art program the simple reality is that there must be students who are interested in a program for it to be successful.

By initially offering arts programs in the elementary grades students will be able to develop their skills sets and interests early and thus be ready and willing to play once they reach high school.

Studies have consistently shown that students who are involved in the Arts do better in other part of the educational process.

This program addresses these educational opportunities that the arts provide while at the same time giving students the chance to learn more about their individual creativity and enrich their lives long after their time in the school district is done.

The Arts encourage students to use a different part of their brain, go outside of what is comfortable for them, and be more fully rounded as individuals. It also encourages their creativity and their willingness to take on different challenges throughout their lives.

By focusing on the Arts at our local schools the Board is demonstrating their commitment to helping our children succeed not only in the classroom but throughout their lives. That is something we all can be proud of.

To contact Jeff Ursino email:

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