By Jondi Gumz
The warning signs are out after multiple sharks were seen in the waters at Seacliff State Beach early in the week.
“We did have 2 confirmed sightings (one Sunday and one Monday) with what appeared to be juvenile sharks in the Seacliff/New Brighton area, said Gabe McKenna, Public Safety Superintendent with California State Parks, noting advisory signs are posted.
Craig Vinken saw two young great white sharks on April 27 while he was on his standup paddleboard at Seacliff State Beach.
He was out past the cement ship when one young shark, 11 to 12 feet long, swam about five feet from his board — “40 years in the ocean and I’ve never seen anything like it,” he wrote on NextDoor, prompting a flurry of comments.
Jason Long responded, “Thinking about spending some time in the water down there today, but now I’m not so sure.”
Jane Silberstein, who worked at Monterey Bay Aquarium for 33 years, told Vinken, “They only eat fish until they are around 9.5 to 10 ft long so no worries :)”
Beth Redmond-Jones shared that Seacliff is a “rookery” for great white sharks, and Sal Jorgensen, a scientist at Monterey Bay Aquarium, studies them.
Francine Neves recalled her helicopter ride over the bay at the beginning of June last year with Specialized, counting 15 sharks in the local shoreline waters.
“The stretch from Seacliff to New Brighton is not called Shark Alley for nothing,” added Rick Pastor of Soquel. “The bay cruise boats bring tourists there just to see them and are not often disappointed.”